luni, 30 aprilie 2012

Top 10 Hearthburn foods

The hearthburn is the main symptom of the disease calles GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disease) well-known as acid reflux.

   As the name suggests, the acids produced in the stomach are pushed into the esophagus causing a sensation of heart burn.

  The main cause of this hearthburn is unhealthy food and unhealthy habits, some foods consumed excessively can cause that disease. That heartburn is largely avoidable if you steer clear of the top 10 heartburn foods.

      Here are 10 of them that we must avoid to consume in excessive amounts:
1. The acidic fruits as oranges, grapefruits and orange juice and also another citrus fruits can cause acid reflux attack when they are consumed on an otherwise empty stomac.

2. Tomatoes contain healthy nutrients like lycopene but they are also highly acidic and can cause the sensation of hearthburn in those who are prone to it.

3. Garlic and onion are also highly acidic and must not be consume in excessive amounts.

4. Spicy Foods. Pepper, Mexican food, chili, and any other food that is loaded with spyces can trigger heartburn and must be avoided as much as possible and replaced with milder versions.

5. Peppermint is actually a heartburn trigger food and we must skip the after-dinner mints -- especially after a rich meal. Peppermint may increase our chances of heartburn because it relaxes the sphincter muscle that lay between the stomach and esophagus. This allows stomach acids to flow back into the esophagus.

6. Cheese, Nuts, Avocadoes, and a Juicy Rib Eye. All those foods are high in fat.  Fat slows down the emptying of the stomach and it's much easy to  make heartburn. It's most likely to have these foods on morning breakfast than on dinner because the stomach is not already full.

7. Alcohol. Your favourites drinks as wine, beer or your favorite cocktail can all trigger heartburn, especially when they follow a large meal. Like peppermint, alcohol opens the sphincter, allowing the acid free range.

8.Caffeine.Coffee, soda, tea, iced tea, and any other food or beverages that contain caffeine might "improve" your hearthburn. If you have heartburn, you can likely consume a 3- or 4-ounce cup of coffee each morning with no problem. But if you drink coffee all day long that must be a problem. So, you have only to reduce the amount.

9. Chocolate, even is loaded with caffeine or on its own,it can also be a heartburn food. Like peppermint and alcohol, chocolate relaxes the sphincter, allowing stomach acids to flow back into the esophagus.

10. Carbonated Beverages. They cause gastric distension.If the stomach is distended, acid reflux is promoted by increasing pressure on the esophageal sphincter. People with heartburn may be wise to steer clear of pop and other carbonated beverages.

If we respect the list above, we must relief the pain in hearthburn and we can controlate it. But not only these foods can cause acid reflux.
    Too much of any food can bring heartburn.It's not just what you eat; it's how much you eat and when you eat it.

Internal factors of GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) or acid reflux is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach (acid) regurgitates into the esophagus.

  GERD is a chronic condition. It usually is life-long. In most patients, after the esophagus has healed with treatment the injury will return in a few months. The cause of GERD is complex.There are internal body's factors in addition to unhealthy food and habits that can help improve this condition:lower esophageal sphincter abnormalities, hiatal hernias, abnormal esophageal contractions, and slow or prolonged emptying of the stomach.
The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is the most important mechanism that can prevent acid reflux. The LES is a specialized ring of muscle that surrounds the lower-most end of the esophagus and is in action most of the time, contracting and closing off the passage from the esophagus into the stomach. When LES doesn't working properly that might cause acid reflux or GERD. The patients with GERD have several different abnormalities of the LES. First of them and the most common is abnormally weak contraction of the LES. It reduces its ability to prevent reflux. Transient LES relaxations means abnormal relaxations of the LES.These prolonged relaxations are a great factor for acid reflux attack. Transient LES are infrequent in patients without GERD.

    Another abnormality in patients with GERD is laxity of the LES. When the LES is open helped by similar distending pressures that will allow an easier flow of acid into the esophagus.
Hiatal hernia might develop acid reflux attack. What means a hiatal hernia? Normally, the LES is located at the same level where the esophagus passes from the chest through the diaphragm ( a partition that separates the chest from the abdomen).
The diaphragm that surrounds the LES is important in preventing reflux.On a hiatal hernia, a small part of the upper stomach that attaches to the esophagus pushes up through the diaphragm. As a result, the LES is no longer at the level of the diaphragm.

   On this case, reflux occurs more easily because instead of a high-pressure barrier they are two barriers of lower pressure, one of the contributions of the hiatal hernia to GERD  is  to decrease the pressure barrier. But it can contribute also in another manner. The hernial sac ( a small pouch of stomach above the diaphragm) can trap acid that comes from the stomach, keeping it close from the esophagus and when the LES relaxes it's easy for acid reflux to attack.
Swallows are important in eliminating acid in the esophagus.   Swallowing causes a  wave of contraction of the esophageal muscles, that begin in the upper esophagus and travel to the lower esophagus. It pushes food, saliva, and whatever else is in the esophagus into the stomach. An abnormality of contraction will reduce the clearance of acid from the esophagus.
      The effects of abnormal esophageal contractions would be expected to be worse at night when gravity is not helping to return refluxed acid to the stomach. Smoking might contribute in a bad manner on improving this abnormality. The clearance of acid from the esophagus might continue for at least 6 hours after the last cigarette.
About 20% from patients with GERD have stomachs that empty abnormally slowly after a meal. The slower emptying prolongs the period of time during which reflux is more likely to occur.

      Medications can worse GERD in addiction to those internal factors. Here are some common ones: antihypertensives such as beta blockers or calcium channel blockers, bronchodilators, dopamine-active drugs, progestin, sedatives, and tricyclic antidepressants. If you have GERD, you will need a medical advice before using them.

Treatment of acid reflux

The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a ring of muscle that formes a valve at the entrance of the stomach. If  LES function is normal,it closes as soon as food passes through it, but if the LES has problems it doesn't close normally and it opens too often, allowing to the acid produced by the stomach to migrate through the esophagus.

   This can cause a heartburn, a burning chest pain. If that pain happens more than twice a week, it seems you have that disease called GERD ( gastroesophageal reflux disease) or in a most common name, acid reflux. Causes of acid reflux might be eating certain foods, such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy or fatty foods,smoking, drinking beverages such as alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, or tea, being pregnant, being so stressed person, taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, or blood pressure medications.

    Another risk factor that can cause acid reflux attack is a stomach abnormality called a hiatal hernia.This happens when a part of the stomach and the LES move above the diaphragm, a muscle that helps keep acid in our stomach.
The main symptoms of acid reflux are: the heartburn that I talked before and regurgitation: a sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat or mouth. These symptoms might be followed by another ones: Dysphagia -- a narrowing of your esophagus, which creates the sensation of food being stuck in your throat, hiccups that don't let up,wheezing, dry cough, hoarseness, or chronic sore throat, nausea.Acid reflux symptoms can be observed and the patient would complain mainly of discomfort in eating and heartburn.      When it becomes chronic, several other symptoms may be observed such as chronic cough, laryngitis, erosion of dental enamel, dentine hypersensitivity.If lifestyle changes and medications don't bring anyrelief you need to require medical advice.
       Your doctor may order tests to confirm a diagnosis and check for other problems. The tests that you can make are:Barium swallow (esophagram), esophageal manometry,endoscopy and finally a biopsy.
In many cases, lifestyle changes combined with medications are all you need to control the symptoms of acid reflux disease.
First,  eat more frequently throughout the day.Several smaller meals are suggestible than having one or two larger meals in a day. Next, quit smoking and drinking beverages as alcohol,coffee, tea etc. Those must be reduced in your diet.

    Don't eat at least four hours before you are sleeping. After you eat, try to have a walk instead of sleeping. Try sleeping in a chair for daytime naps and put blocks under the head of your bed to raise it at least 4 to 6 inches,a bed similar to the ones used in hospitals would be a great idea. Finally, ask your doctor whether any medication could bring any relief to your acid reflux symptoms.
You need a special prescription for drogs, because most of them have side effects. Antacids, such as Alka-Seltzer, Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, or Riopan, can neutralize the acid from your stomach.

   But they may cause diarrhea or constipation, especially if you have a overdose. If antacids don't help, your doctor may try other medications.If medications don't completely resolve your symptoms of acid reflux disease, your doctor might recommend surgery. It is the final step in healing GERD. This procedure called fundoplication  involves wrapping the upper part of the stomach around the LES to strengthen it, prevent acid reflux, and repair a hiatal hernia. But you should not to use this procedure than in extreme cases when nothing else brings results.

The worst scenario in Acid Reflux

Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD)is the medical term given to acid reflux. As the name suggests, it's a gastro intestinal complication caused by an acid produced and stored by the stomach. When the stomach walls are not strong enough to store this acid, it flows back into the oesophagus from stomach and it creates heartburn that is the main symptom of GERD.
  The patient feels a constant chest burning sensation.This acid reflux symptom can occurre to everyone of us when we are eating fatty or spicy foods. When it happens regularly and you don't feel any relief after medication, then you have acid reflux or GERD. An eventual relief to an extent from acid reflux attack might be a change in diet but if the symptoms reoccur you will need a medical advice. If not treated appropriately, several other symptoms may be observed such as chronic cough, laryngitis, erosion of dental enamel, dentine hypersensitivity, sinusitis and damaged teeth and pharyngitis. It may result in certain serious complications like ulcer or intestinal cancer.

  If it is diagnosed in time acid reflux is a medical condition that can be treated. In a long time, acid reflux attack can wear out the inner protective lining of oeasophagus. Doctors call this erosive oesophagitis.Through a simple endoscopy a doctor can find out if you have this condition. The treatment for this acid reflux condition can be adapted depending on the damage caused.
There are a few things you can do to reduce acid reflux problems. Some foods are not suposed to eat. Acid reflux diet should contain less of fats, spices, salt, etc.Consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol also has to be reduced. It has been found that these drinks aggravate the acidity in the stomach causing GERD. Then, sleeping on your left side of your stomach than your right side is better to not feel the hearthburn in acid reflux. The quality of sleep is important too.
  For that, you must keep in mind some rules. Make a habit to sleep with your head in an elevated position that would reduce heartburn. One or two extra pillows can be used for that. A bed similar to the ones used in hospital would be the greatest choice if you could afford it.  If not,the head side of your bed can be raised with blocks of wood.
Any time you feel like eating, eat but in small portions. The worse for your acid reflux condition will be to eat a big meal in the end because you skip food for so long.  In this way, you may end up over filling your stomach when you finally have food and a full stomach might be the cause of acid reflux attack. Chewing-gum between meals will be for real help in relief the pain in acid reflux. It creates a lot of saliva in your mouth.  Saliva is alkaline in nature and is going to neutralize the acids to some extent. Avoid mint flavored chewing-gum. Mint might worsen acid reflux condition. The same effect as chewing-gum will have to suck on cough drops like halls or antacids.
Hearthburn condition can be reduced by drinkink water after meals, not during them. This will help to dilute the stomach acids.
    After a beag meal don't go immediately to sleep. You need to walk for a little before.It would be ideal to sleep only four hours after you are having your dinner. For that reason, is indicated to have last meal of the day around 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening.
These are some advices to follow when you have acid reflux problem. If you follow them correctly and you take all the medicines that the doctor prescribe to you, wou will be able to keep GERD under control. 

Acid reflux (GERD) natural remedies

GERD natural remedies

GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) is the medical term given to acid reflux.  As the name says, that disease is developed when the food in the stomach is not digested and broke down properly by this liquid content (acid).

 It' s one of the commonest gastro intestinal complications today.The following symptoms can be found in acid reflux disease:
- Heartburn. The half digested food would come back into the esophagus causing heart burn sensation in the chest.
- A constant or a nasty stabbing pain in the chest that follows the heartburn.
-  Food is regurgitating back from the gullet into the mouth.
- Problems  when swallowing both liquids and food.
- Asthma and erosion of the teeth and gums caused by the acid reaching the mouth.
All these symptoms might persist any longer, giving more pain as the time goes, and they have to be treated in a right manner.

  But, before treating, we can prevent all these symptoms through a healthy diet and through healthy habits.They are some safe foods that can help preventing GERD. People must avoid especially spicy, fatty and junk food.

  Only some fruits are appropriate as bananas and apple-fresh, but tomato or lemon are not indicated. We have to avoid meat products as ground beef, chicken nuggets, Buffalo wings and try only skinless chicken breast, extra-lean ground beef. Then, from beverages only mineral water is indicated, coffee and tea have to be reduced. As sweets we can consume only fat-free cookies, jelly beans, red licorice, baked potato chips but high-fat butter cookies, chocolate, doughnut corn chips, brownies potentiate the acid reflux. They are also another factors that take part in a healthy diet.
    For example, milk encourages more acid secretion so that drinking milk before going to sleep it's not so indicated. Beverages also affect acid producton, especially beer is able to double stomach acid in several hours.
Acid reflux natural remedies can work for some people but not for the others.So don't be too disapointed if they don't work with you. Let's see some natural remedies that might work:
-Eating an apple after a meal surely could keep your acid reflux symptoms away. But the apples must be chewed slowly and well to reduce the acid in the stomach.
- Apple cider vinegar is another good acid reflux home remedies.The apple cider vinegar added to a half a glass of water, drink shortly before or after a meal can do miracles in acid reflux disease.
- The amount of water drunk daily must be increased. This think will help to dilute the acids in the stomach, minimizing the acid reflux symptoms.It is indicated to drink a glass of water, possibly two, after not during a meal.
- A few almonds chewed after each meal and also in the morning help also to cure acid reflux symptoms. As the apple, they must be chewed very well for seeing benefits in using this remedy.
- Fennel tea or chamomile tea,taking time to drink the them, have been successfully connected to the relief of acid reflux discomfort.
- Ginger is also a remedy in any form, tea,candied ginger, or ginger in a capsule form.
- Last but not least chewing gum, as you might already know, is great for assisting in the digestion of food, because it's stimulating the production of saliva and dilute the stomach acid.
These are some natural remedies that can reliefe acid reflux symptoms. We can find them everywhere si it's easy to prevent and cure GERD using natural things.

Infant reflux GER or GERD

Benefits of breastfeeding for infants with GERD

GER ((Gastro Esophageal Reflux) is a common, normal condition that happens to everyone, of all ages, particulary after meals.
  It usually involves regurgitation. Almost all babies, even they are breast or bottle-fed, will regurgitate after some feedings. Babies with GER regurgitate without secondary signs or symptoms of inadequate weight gain, esophagitis, or respiratory disease.

In contrast, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is a more serious pathologic process that usually needs medical management, especially on babies. Symptoms of GERD are more common in children with neurological impairments. Little patients with GERD may manifest regurgitation with typical complications as inadequate growth, failure to thrive, feeding and oral aversions, esophagitis,etcor atypical complications such as wheezing, pneumonia, chronic sinusitis.
Breastfeeding has a lot of advantages in prevent GERD on babies. Human milk is more easily digested and emptied from the stomach. If milk spends less of time in stomach, they are a fewer chances for it to back up into the esophagus. Human milk has also the quality of being less iritating for esophagus than artificial formula.
    The closeness between mother and baby is another benefit of breastfeeding. The hormons produced when you breastfeed help promote relaxation to any stressed baby.
So, your baby must be encouraged to nurse. Here are some tips:
- Nurse in a quiet, dark room and listen to relaxed music.
- Try nursing when baby is sleepy.Babies with reflux are wakening more often, so you must take advantage of this opportunity for extra feed them. The baby must be kept close to you during the night.
- If you have a large supply of breast milk and your baby spits up afterward offer him only one breast per feed.
- Skin to skin contact is very important for a relaxed baby, so try to breastfeed him in a warm bath.
- Try nursing while standing and walking around.A baby sling will be for more help, it will keep the baby upright while your hands are free.
If your baby is growing normally, without other symptoms, any reflux will be GER, not GERD. In this case, spitting up can be minimized by some tips:
- Nurse frequently. Smaller, more frequent feedings are easier to digest.
- Avoid foods in the mother or baby's diet that might be causing reflux. Dairy, for example,is passed on to baby through breastfeeding and can cause allergies or sensitivities.Avoid on your individual diet foods as tomatoes, citrus, high fat foods or carbonated beverages.

   Spitting up and GER occurs in healthy babies so keep a positive attitude if your baby has reflux. Keep in mind the tips above and use them for having a less stressed and healthy baby.

GERD (symptoms and treatment)

GERD (symptoms and treatment)

GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disease) is populary well-known as acid reflux. The main symptom of this disease is a sensation of heart burn, caused, as the name said, by the acids produced in the stomach  that are pushed into the esophagus.

 Out of this main symptom, they are another ones, that is important to know for better prevent or cure this disease.
In some adult patients, Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), can be found. Some of them have a sensation of an acidic taste in the mouth as the food enters the mouth and regurgitates from the stomach. In time, the disease can become chronic and might be followed by another serious complications: pharyingitis, esophageal ulcers or even cancer.
  When the disease become chronic, they are many other symptoms that patients feel: laryngitis, erosion of dental enamel, dentine hypersensitivity, chronic cough,sinusitis and damaged teeth. GERD affects mainly people who consume lot of spicy, fatty and junk food. Smokers are also affected more then the others by this disease, because smoking relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter allowing acidic food to flow in the stomach into the upper gut.
The treatment of acid reflux is followed always by a good diet.A healthy diet helps in prevention of this disease too. For prevention, we must consume lass of fats, spices, salt etc, generally foods that not induce acidity.

   They are indicated in reducing GERD too. People have to avoid consuming a lot of drinks that aggravate the acidity in the stomach as coffee, tea and alchool. Unhealthy habits like smoking have to be avoided too. Instead of having one or two larger meals in a day it is appropriate to have several smaller meals. Water has to be taken several times between meals, it must be avoided how much possible taking water during meals because it can cause the regurgitation of food by pressurizing the lower esophageal sfincter.
If the disease becomes chronic, a healthy diet will be not enough for healing but also a right treatment.  Generally acid reflux treatment is done by the doctor using antacids, proton pump inhibitors, etc. Some of them have their part in reducing the acidity of the matter and some inhibit the production of acid in the stomach.

   These medicines,taken on point, reduce the effect of the acid food on the esophagus.  On prolonged usage, they have a better effect, by reducing acid production in the stomach and providing relief from the acid reflux.
It will be much better if people don't need to use medicines.

   So they have to prevent this disease or when they feel some kind of symptoms to take measures for healing them. As I said, healthy diet and healthy habits are key to cure and prevent GERD.
Taking up certain precautions like consumption of lot of water, avoiding foods that cause GERD. However, If the acid reflux become chronic some natural remedies or chemical tablets, tonics or potions will be taken. Keep in mind that an untreated acid reflux could lead to certain serious complications like ulcer or intestinal cancer. Acid reflux it's not a dreadful disease but untreated in time might be one. No matter of gender, age, race, this disease affects everyone. So, when you feel the first symptoms go to a specialized doctor. He will know what is the most appropriate cure and the state in which the disease is. It's better to heal then to die!